Wii owners need more Okami

OkamiIt’s a shame when a great game goes unrecognized, and by that I mean going without recognition from someone other than us bleeding-heart videogame critics and "with it" fans. These games–games like Okami–should rack up huge sales numbers to go along with their huge review scores.

Unfortunately, Capcom has published the company’s latest financial results, and has reported that the Wii version of the PlayStation 2 gem has only sold a measly 280,000 copies in western markets (North America and Europe) since its April 15th release. This was a port that was meant to take the game to the next level with Wiimote-ified celestial brush controls, and was also expected to appeal to the Wii demographic with its subject matter and gameplay style.

So much for that.

I think everyone who just read this article should go out and buy Okami on the Wii. I don’t care if you already have the PlayStation 2 version; I don’t care if you already have the Wii version (Well, yes I do. Good job!); go out and buy this game again…or I’ll send Brendon to bludgeon you with a Bernard Buffet watercolor painting.


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Author: Eddie Inzauto View all posts by
Eddie has been writing about games on the interwebz for over ten years. You can find him Editor-in-Chiefing around these parts, or talking nonsense on Twitter @eddieinzauto.

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