Last month, we reported that Silent Hill director, Richard Avary, will be directing the upcoming Castle Wolfenstein movie.
Ain’t it Cool exchanged some emails with Avary about the film and he described the film as, "WWII ‘guys on a mission’ movie, which means you’re going to be blowing sh*t up, storming bunkers, busting dams, derailing trains, and killing Nazi’s. I love WWII films, but with Wolfenstein we get the creature effects as well…"
Regarding Wolfenstein’s classic main protagonist, B.J. Blazkowicz, Avary talked about the rather long process of fleshing out a proper main character and the support he’s received from id Software.
"I was given a story bible by id Software, which outlined the dos and do nots of the Wolfenstein franchise. Primarily it outlined who B.J. Blazkowicz is and what kind of behavior I should be mindful of.
"For example, B.J. respects action and bravery over rank and discipline; he must not act as a traitor or for personal gain; he is not racist or an anti-Semite; etc., the list goes on and on. I was really grateful to be given these specific guidelines by the creators of the character because I want to be as true as possible to the spirit of the Wolfenstein franchise…"
So who does Avary think should play Blazkowicz? He said, "As for B.J., all one needs to do is look at the box art on the Return to Castle Wolfenstein game and you can see who I see in my mind for the role." Hmm, whom could he be thinking about?
When talking about the difficulty of making movie adaptations from video games, Avary acknowledged that the game’s fan base will surely voice its opinions on it — positive or negative. "Fans of source material are pretty rigid, and always think they could have done it better, and maybe sometimes they could have — but most filmmakers who have undergone the trial by fire of making a movie …has to undergo over the process of making a movie."