Ever wonder how it would feel if you were Master Chief and needed to drop a deuce? Probably cramped and uncomfortable… Maybe there’s a little emergency hatch in the back… But I can only guess.
You, however, can find out first hand… if you have $6000 dollars lying around. Thanks to a little man named Mjolnirarmor, who crafted his own suit out of sheer zeal, you too can run around town as Master Chief if you can bid your way to the top via Ebay.
Or, drop a deuce, either way. No pressure, but please let me know how that works out.
If you’ve been watching G4 TV, or saw that Dell Commercial with Master Chief, then you’ve probably seen this suit, it’s the same one.
This thing is heavy duty. Mjolniramor claims that "it isn’t one of those cheaply casted vacuumformed suits. You could probably pound a nail with your forearm if you wanted to."
And boy do I want to. How freaking sweet would it be if you showed up to work in that suit and started pounding nails into walls? Start hanging pictures at work as one of the most B.A. warriors of our generation. Whatever you do though, DO NOT use a leveler. You have to let the pictures hang crooked, because Master Chief is not a perfectionist, he is perfection itself. Remember that.
Well whatever you do with the suit, stare in awe, hang a picture, ask, no, demand your boss for a raise — at least browse through these pictures and imagine what you could do. And if you’re reading this Mjolniramor, I would love to have a Marcus Fenix battle suit… I’m just saying… no pressure… take your time… I’ll send you my measurements… please?

That Master Chief, he’s so sassy.