World of Warcraft pornstar banned

Denizens of the Mal’Ganis World of Warcraft server heaved a collective sigh this past weekend as Mia Rose, level 70 Undead Warlock and pornstar was banned for unspecified reasons. Some of the more hardcore gamers out there might have spotted her performances as a hot, naked elf in several episodes of Whorecraft, the WoW-themed porn videos.

According to her website, Mia was initially a big XBox gamer; Epileptic Gaming featured her playing Strip Halo 3 Beta a few months back. So, as a video game aficionado, does performing in a Warcraft-themed porn count as mixing business and pleasure?

At any rate, Mia wasn’t that forthcoming with her plans following the suspension. Apparently fan recognition can get to be a little too much, especially among the lonely ranks of the Warcraft community. Who knows, maybe she’ll move on to another PC game.


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