When WipEout first appeared in 1995, racing fans got a chance to experience speed in a new venue–anti-gravity. The game play was fast and challenging.
With each successive title, Wipeout has tried to push the envelope with new vehicles, increasingly difficult tracks, and more of the signature WipEout music well known to the series.
PlayFrance interviewed Collin Berry, the design manager of the newest game in the franchise–WipEout HD for the PS3 and asked about the progress of the game.
Collins was asked about what his team wanted to do with this newest version of the game.
"We wanted to offer an experience of online game quality for a video game lounge; WipEout in this case. We also wanted to make this game a good complement to the PlayStation Store allowing it to be available for download."
Apart from the obvious upgrade of graphics in the game, Collins described what else was new and different about the latest iteration of this anti-grav racer.
"WipEout HD includes a multiplayer online, it is true, will also appear in Pulse, but remains very fun. Play Wipeout against other players on a big screen is really excellent."
WipEout, as anyone who has played any of the titles knows, is full of racing action that is some of the most difficult around. Collis said that while WipEout has always been considered a hardcore racer, he also wants to draw in the casual and inexperienced gameers too.
"We also want to attract new players and people who have perhaps never tried a futuristic racing game, but are perhaps accustomed to games car racing classics. We have therefore introduced 3 levels of difficulty and 4 categories."
This is not only good news for the casual crowd, but for veterans of the WipEout games as well. Some races, which literally had to be played many dozens of times before successfully competting a course, caused many a gamer to seriously want to toss their gaming machines out the window.
For the full interview, click here.
[via PlayFrance]