In Japan, a rather odd trend surfaced at one of the major retail chain stores selling Halo 3. As expected, the game was selling pretty well, by Japanese standards, since the title is a shooter–not a very popular genre of video game there.
What was unexpected was something called the attach rate for the game. This is business jargon for the second purchase decision related to the primary sale of the first item.
So you would expect the sale of Halo 3 to boost sales for the Xbox 360, right? In this case, the answer is yes and no. At the Yodobashi Akiba retail chain store in Japan, the sale of Halo 3 seems to have caused more sales of the Wii, according to a report on Kotaku.
The well known phenomenon, where a 360 and Wii are bought at the same time, is known as the Wii60 purchase. This was evident in the early morning hours when Halo 3 was released at the Yodobashi Akiba store. One thing that may have caused this to happen is the abundant supplies of Wiis in Japan.
Shoppers, who were picking up Halo 3 and a 360, proabably saw the friendly stacks of Wiis on display and decided to buy one too, since they were available.
Just imagine if there had been ample supplies of the Wii in other parts of the world-Nintendo could have made a killing on Wii sales. Well, maybe not, but it seems that the Wii sells no matter what the competition is doing and that must be driving Microsoft and Sony nuts.