Wii for $300? Titles for $60?

Some tantalizingly interesting information has surfaced from our cousins up North. According to an employee working at Future Shop, an electronics chain store in Canada, the reported price point of Nintendo,s Wii may be higher than what everyone thought it would be. The worker snapped a picture of his store,s inventory computer screen that shows a Nintendo product, apparently the Wii, for a price of $349.99 Canadian dollars. This translates to approximately $299 US.

According to the news story filed by qj.net, the employee also states that launch title prices for the Wii will be $69.99 Canadian or $60 US. There is no solid evidence that Nintendo will launch at these prices, as it goes totally against Nintendo,s previous statements that their games will be affordable and cheaper. Iwata Satoru, president of Nintendo, has often lambasted other game publishers for putting games out of the reach of the common consumer because of the high price of their games.

Nintendo has also stated that the Wii price could be deduced by observing its past price points on their previous game console launches-which would place the Wii in the neighborhood of $200-$250. However, if the leaked price point is true, Nintendo may feel the backlash of gamers who were all expecting a bargain basement price for the Wii.


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