When will we see another 360 price cut?

down 360 Microsoft is poised to take another whack at the Sony fortress if they decide to lower the price of the Xbox 360 come the first quarter of 2008.

According to some veteran analysts of the videogame market, lowering the price of the Xbox 360 during January would be another right step in Microsoft’s chances to winning the console war for this generation. 

Microsoft has the advantage of stellar titles which warrant buying the Xbox 360, a cheaper manufacturing system than Sony, and still advantageous position of releasing a year early. Some suggest that Microsoft create another Halo3 bundle at a reduced price.

While this sounds good on paper, these analysts are not factoring in the Wii. Nintendo’s system is still one of the hottest tickets this holiday season. Without a doubt they are going to claim the top spot, perhaps before even the end of the year, with the most consoles sold. Lowering the price of the Xbox 360 should also be a response to Nintendo’s continued success at the $250 price point.

Will we see a price cut for the Xbxo 360? Hard to say, but only Microsoft can give us the final answer to this question and with Halo 3 still churning out good numbers it is easy to see why MS would be content at the moment with where their console is priced.


[Via N4G]


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