What your game console tells women about you

holding handsWe’ve heard, seen and read all sorts of studies about gamers and their gaming habits.

But an informal poll of four experts in the fields of psychology and gaming attempted a personality profile of gamers according to their choice of gaming consoles and what this tells women about them.

Not exactly scientific, mind you, but interesting, just the same.

The panel for this "investigation" is:

  • Carl Arinoldo, Long Island, NY-based psychologist
  • Ed Magnin, chairman, Game & Simulation Programming, DeVry University’s Dallas Metro campus
  • Ted Owen, CEO, GGL, an online gaming network in Santa Monica, CA
  • Shane Satterfield, editor-in-chief, Santa Monica-based GameTrailers.com, an online gaming site

 What sort of personality is a PS3 owner and what does this tell women?

Arinoldo: The PlayStation 3 may indicate that the user is any "early-adopter," someone who likes to be the first on the block to have things. Owning the PS3 may also send the message that the person may have deep pockets.

Owen: This is your 21st-century individual who enjoys gaming and demands the best out of his experience-and probably his women. The PS3 guy enjoys life to its fullest. He is sophisticated, intelligent, enjoys competition and is willing to wait for a good thing. He is loyal as well.

Satterfield: This guy is in the know. He knows the right people, goes to the best restaurants and doesn’t wait in line to get into the club. This guy will be difficult to keep up with, as he is always working. When he’s not, he uses videogames as a chance to unwind and relax.

If a guy has a Wii, what does that tell the potential date?

Owen: That he is selfish about his passion, but he knows the Wii is acceptable because of its social interaction functionality. He is smart enough to find a way to continue to game and not scare his date away.

Magnin: Wii says he’s a fun guy. The Wii-mote will force him to get up off the couch and actually get a little exercise while he’s playing. Of all of the consoles, the Wii is probably the best date machine, as a lot more of the games appeal to both sexes. Challenge him to a game of tennis or bowling.

Satterfield: This guy is not the typical slack-jawed, bleary-eyed gamer who wants to sit on the couch staring blankly at the screen for hours on end. You can rest assured that this type of guy is smart with his money as the Wii is only $250 compared to $399 for the Xbox 360 and $599 for the PlayStation. (since reduced in price.

And last but not least, what does the owner of an Xbox 360 tell women?

Arinoldo: There is a wide variety of games available through the Xbox 360… so one may be better able to find games in common with a significant other who may not be an avid gamer. Preferring the Xbox 360 may say that the owner is willing to play cooperatively.

Magnin: Xbox 360 says he’s probably into serious gaming. Take a look at his game stats. Ask him to show you how many hours he spent playing his favorite games. Many guys log 100 to 200 hours on their favorite games.

Satterfield: These guys tend to like extremely violent, visceral games, as well as the social aspect of connecting with friends online. They may be living out an active and social life through games, because they are a bit on the shy side. Xbox 360 fans tend to make good money and like to spend it. These guys are passionate about gaming and that transfers into the bedroom as well.

So there you go girls. Before you go out with your potential "Mr. Right," check out his game console and gaming habits first. Is this survey really accurate? What do you think?

[via msnmatch]


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