Relic Entertainment’s Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War series will have a permanent place in my heart for its excellent and balanced RTS gameplay. It’s been close to four years since the game’s original release and by the time the third and last expansion pack rolled around, things began to feel a little worn out.
In the latest PC Game UK magazine, there’s a teaser on the last page for the April 10th issue, which certainly hints at things to come for the Dawn of War series. As you can see below, it appears to be the silhouette of a Space Marine with the line, "Are you ready for a new Dawn?" written next to it.
I don’t want to be an anticipation-type of person but I’m pretty excited for Dawn of War 2! Just think of the core Dawn of War gameplay with a new engine, such as the Essence Engine in Company of Heroes…

[Via GameReplays]