Valve not bringing Left 4 Dead to PS3…

Valve…but that doesn’t mean that someone else won’t, according to Valve marketing director Doug Lombardi.

Lombardi recently spoke about the upcoming zombie-splattering first-person shooter, and when questioned about the possibility of a PlayStation 3 release, he had this to say:

"We’re not PS3 developers – we’re doing PC and 360 like with Orange Box. EA came to us and said ‘Wow, Orange box was an incredible project, can we do a PS3 version?’ Left 4 Dead doesn’t have that guaranteed appeal yet – it’s a new IP. If you mention a new Half-Life, people want to make as many versions of it as possible. If Left 4 Dead is big, then we may see a PS3 version later, or if and when we do a sequel, people may be more interested in that.

We’re only 150 people, so there’s only so many things we can do. But it’s one of those things with partners, wanting to take on that investment and risk. I think until L4D is proven, you’ll probably just see what we make in that franchise.

So PS3 owners, that means that if you want to see Left 4 Dead on Sony’s console, you’d better hope the other versions sell like hotcakes later this year.

[via CVG]


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Author: Eddie Inzauto View all posts by
Eddie has been writing about games on the interwebz for over ten years. You can find him Editor-in-Chiefing around these parts, or talking nonsense on Twitter @eddieinzauto.

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