Ubisoft developer confirms sex in Assassin's Creed II

BioWare has some controversy competition

It would appear that controversy loves company, as BioWare’s Dragon Age: Origins won’t be the only game releasing this year to have sex scenes. Assassin’s Creed II director Benoit Lambert confirmed that the upcoming sequel will have Desmond Miles’ latest ancestor doing the nasty in the pasty.

"Ezio is a womaniser," said the developer. "There’s a bit of sex. I can’t say more."

This will likely send a shockwave into the mainstream news, as sex in videogames always send up alarms. Just how graphic these scenes will be will most likely determine how loud the alarms will sound.



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Author: Mike Murphy View all posts by
Mike has been playing games for over two decades. His earliest memories are of shooting ducks and stomping goombas on NES, and over the years, the hobby became one of his biggest passions. Mike has worked with GamerNode as a writer and editor since 2009, giving you news, reviews, previews, a voice on the VS Node Podcast, and much more.

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