Ubisoft CEO: Casual could overtake hardcore business

Yves Guillemot

For better or worse, Nintendo popularized the casual videogame market with the Wii back in 2006. Since then videogame companies have begun to focus more on that audience, and Ubisoft is no exception.

In a recent interview, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot expressed his belief that casual video games could overtake the hardcore business at some point in the future.

"In the long term there’s no reason why the casual would not overcome the hardcore business because there are more people that are interested in buying casual," he said.

Guillemot went on to state that his company was "amazed by the success of Just Dance," and added that 40 percent of Ubisoft’s revenue comes from casual gaming.

The company has also moved toward the online approach to appeal to casual gamers. Ubisoft recently purchased free-to-play developer Owlient, and it also has 20 Facebook apps currently active.

As far as future consoles go, Guillemot hopes to see a bigger focus on accessibility that will cater to all videogame audiences.

"[We want] more interaction with people, the possibility to adapt content to the time that people want to play," he explained. "To to be more of a service to consumers that can get and get out. So the software will have to be very different so that everyone can play and can take from those the games the bit they want to get."



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Author: Anthony LaBella View all posts by
My first experience playing a video game blew me away. The fact that Super Metroid was that game certainly helped. So I like to think Samus put me on the path to video games. Well, I guess my parents buying the SNES had a little something to do with it. Ever since then my passion for video games has grown. When I found that I could put words together into a coherent sentence, videogame journalism was a natural interest. Now I spend a large majority of my time either playing video games or writing about them, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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