Trauma Center 2 passes MCAT

stylusIn easily the best news I’ve read all day, Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2 is coming to the US in June, a mere two months from now. Wooo!

Dr. Stiles and Nurse Angie are back, presumably with a vengeance. The newest installment of the Trauma Center franchise will be complete with new difficulty modes and hopefully some enhanced powers. Last time they battled the GUILT virus that was plaguing Hope Hospital — who knows what’s in store for the dynamic duo this time around. They could even be up against ANGST or SORROW!

I absolutely loved the first Trauma Center. It was the second game I ever bought for my DS, and I played the hell out of it. It still remains one of my favorite games on the system, so I’m excited to get back into my scrubs.

I’m hoping they allow you to swap difficulty modes on a stage-by-stage basis, like Command and Conquer. I tore through the beginning part of the first game and then just hit a wall in, what I’m pretty sure, is the second to last mission. I really wanted to finish that game but I couldn’t get past it.

Now that I think about it, my favorite games for the DS are Trauma Center and Ace Attorney. Doctor games and lawyer games. I wonder if this is some kind of subconscious parental wish fulfillment…


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Author: Creighton DeSimone View all posts by

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