While the name of the game for most game publishers is "cross-platform" — porting specific titles to as many different game consoles as possible in order to insure profits — one game publisher is going in the opposite direction by sticking to console exclusive titles.
Brian Ferrell, THQ’s CEO, said, "I don’t mean to oversimplify this, but in the past a lot of publishers — including us — would say, ‘Okay, let’s make a game and get it across every system.’ That’s not our strategy going forward; there are going to be different gamers for the different systems. So our strategy is different types of content, segmented on who the users of the systems are."
Given THQ’s strategy to make games for specific gaming platforms, Ferrell said that the company breakdown for game development at THQ seems to be favoring the Wii. "Probably in terms of number of SKUs (stock units) we’re slightly more aggressive on Wii, just because we see that as the biggest market opportunity with Pixar, Nickelodeon, WWE is a natural opportunity on Wii. There are a couple of other things I can’t talk about today that I saw at one of our studios where I thought, ‘These products belong on the Wii.’"
At this point in the console wars, Ferrell believes that the Xbox 360 and PS3 are basically in a dead heat. "…When people say, ‘Who’s going to win the race?,’ it’s an interesting conversation, and we can bet a beer on it. But at the end of the day, if it’s 60/40, PS3/360 or vice versa, we really don’t care."
[via GamesIndustry.biz]