The Lindsey Chronicles 08: #1: The first day of E3

*Welcome to The Lindsey Chronicles 08! Last E3, I kept a running journal of the events of each day on GamerNode. People seemed to enjoy it, so I’m taking the time to do it again. I could be relaxing right now, eating dinner, or even watching a movie–but no. I’m writing this so you people there can see what we people here are up to.*

The sun is setting on the first day of E3, allowing many of the attendees to come out from beneath their rocks and move free from fear of the harmful UV rays’ effects on their pasty white skin. So far, it’s been a day of wins and failures, but to be fair most of it has been pretty failtacular when all things are considered.

I began my journey (like usual) driving to PDX to fly down to LA for E3. No traffic; sweet. Got to my flight on time, it wasn’t delayed, and I was up in the air 30,000 feet above everyone else (except other people in planes and people not at sea level) and reading Game Boys by Michael Kane. Then, unwillingly, I played peekaboo with the little girl in the seat in front of me for about five hundred hours before she started screaming and bashing against the seat so hard I had to put the seat tray in its upright and locked position, and read with one hand whilst holding my beverage in the other, like a true member of Oregon. (After four years maybe I’m finally fitting in.)

After landing, I grabbed my suitcase and met Dave and Eddie at the curbside pick-up. We drove to the hotel, and that’s when the "fun" started…




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Author: Brendon Lindsey View all posts by

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