The game you are most content watching someone else play
There are many games that I don’t particularly enjoy playing, but it takes a special kind of dichotomous masterpiece to play abhorrently enough to keep me away from the controller, yet still remain interesting enough to experience from afar.
One entire series comes to mind today: Silent Hill. The games (the first four, at least) are so very near to my heart, and I have indeed played through and enjoyed them all, but to be honest, they play like crap. The control setup and play mechanics are clunky and annoying and add very little to the overall experience, which is completely dominated by atmosphere and storytelling — good atmosphere and storytelling.
I’m always eager to see the tales these games have to tell, but more than willing to let someone else do the dirty work; I’ll play, but will just as soon watch.
Day 13 = ANY Silent Hill game
Day 12 = Peggle
Day 11 = Demon’s Souls
Day 10 = Chrono Trigger
Day 9 = Shadow of the Colossus
Day 8 = Super Mario Bros. 3
Day 7 = Braid
Day 6 = Passage
Day 5 = Gears of War
Day 4 = Final Fantasy X
Day 3 = Animal Crossing
Day 2 = Too Human
Day 1 = Braid