In the world of round-the-clock Team Fortress 2 updates, an email response to a player from Robin Walker of Valve mentions that attention to the Pyro class has yielded only mediocre results and changes haven’t been finalized yet. In addition, no details were given regarding the Pyro’s unlockable weapons.
Despite the lack of new Pyro information, Walker revealed that one of the "rumored" unlockable weapons for the Medic, the Overhealer, won’t be making an appearance in Team Fortress 2.
"We’re still thinking about the relationship between the Pyro & the core combat classes, in particular that of the Pyro & the Soldier. We’ve tried a couple of things in our internal playtests, but haven’t found anything we like enough to ship yet. The recent update to the flamethrower with the audio cue played when you’re hitting an enemy seems to have been a good step.
No details on the Pyro’s unlockable weapons yet, sorry. We’re still focusing on the Medic, and the underlying system. Your fire axe will be happy to hear that the Overhealer didn’t work out as well as we wanted it to, and won’t be making an appearance."
In related Team Fortress 2 news, here’s a brief patch history lesson. On February 28th, a patch added several new updates, including a tournament mode, a reduction in reserve ammo for the Soldier’s rocket launcher and Demoman’s sticky bombs and grenade launcher, protection from voice chat spam, and a few bug fixes for Badlands.
The most recent patch was released two days ago, which included a fix for Demoman grenades, a critical modifiers for explosive weapons fix, a few fixes for the tournament mode and more.