A Tokyo Game Show reveal for Suda51’s upcoming horror collaboration with Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami "makes sense," according to EA Partners head David DeMartini.
The as-of-yet untitled game, announced in August 2008, has been confirmed to be coming to both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and EA will be putting all of its marketing muscle behind it to ensure this game’s sales figures match the critical response to Suda51’s previous efforts. EA will be giving Suda free reign "to fully explore his creativity," said DeMartini and wil not be toning anything down for this project.
"The key thing is not for us to tone down Suda or try and Westernise Suda, but to try and make sure the game gets broad enough exposure that more people appreciate it.
No More Heroes, his other games, they’re all critically acclaimed, but it’s like a boutique movie where it’s highly acclaimed but it doesn’t get into all the theatres so not everybody gets a chance to see it. Obviously with EA’s publishing and sales team, we’re going to have this game in all theatres. It’s going to be in all the retail outlets. People are going to get an opportunity to finally listen to what you guys have been writing about Suda for a long time.
These games are great. They’re overlooked a little bit. The non-Western or European wrapper these games typically have; get through the game and you’ll really see the magic that’s in there. That’s what we’re shooting for here. We didn’t try and Westernise his ideas. We let him explore his ideas fully. Now we’re going to Westernise the sales and marketing approach so it gets out there and is known by as many people as possible, to give him the best opportunity to sell to a ton of people."
Hopefuly this push will begin at TGS 2010, which is new just under a month away. When asked by Eurogamer if the game would make it to the show, Suda51 had this to say:
"Don’t worry. It’ll come soon. I’m not sure. But of course, please come to Tokyo."