What is it with people breaking the street dates of games these days? The latest title to fall prey to this problem is Rock Band and Wal-Mart is the culprit.
Seems Wal-Mart can’t get itself removed from hijinks with music based games. Whether it is selling old versions of the Guitar Hero guitar with GH3 or breaking the street date of Rock Band, it is safe to say one won’t know what to expect next from the giant superstore chain.
A member of the Rock Band forums claims to have purchased the Special Edition of Rock Band, complete with a picture of the receipt and unit to prove it.
This could, of course, be a big hoax but the thread was quickly locked by Harmonix. This adds fuel to the fire that this could, in fact, be the real deal. Another big box store reported in breaking the street date is Circuit City.
With Rock Band coming out tomorrow, no one should really be jealous; we will all get to rock out with our friends in just a few hours.
Still, one has to wonder why street dates like this keep getting broken. Has it always been happening, or has the increased desire to show off scoring the game early really the reason we keep seeing news like this pop up?
[Via GameRush]