Spider-Man: Edge of Time footage released in new trailer


As we get closer and closer to the release of Spider-Man: Edge of Time, more videos and news pour out. We have some footage to show all you true believers out there, but first, there’s some great news for people who played Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions.

When starting up Spider-Man: Edge of Time, it will search for a Shattered Dimensions save file on a player’s hard drive. If it finds said save file, the player will automatically get 10 costumes for your friendly neighborhood webslinger. It is implied that players who don’t have a Shattered Dimensions save file will still be able to unlock these costumes as they play through the game.

The upcoming footage gives a closer look at the two Spider-Men, the gameplay, and the story. You may recognize the voices of Amazing Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2099 as Josh Keaton and Christopher Daniel-Barnes. Both starred as the titular character in two of the most popular Spider-Man TV shows of all time, Spectacular Spider-Man (Keaton) of 2008 and Spider-Man (Daniel-Barnes) of the 90s. 


[flash width="540" height="337"]http:/www.youtube.com/v/12oTEmOGNzU?version=3&hl=en_US&rel=0[/flash]



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