Great Scott! Another peripheral for the PSP that completely ignores what the last P stands for. It’s portable for those playing the home game. In Japan, the land of the rising amounts of tecno-stuff, Sony has released a special kind of cradle for the PSP.
It’s the kind of cradle you can set on your desk so you can watch movies. No longer will you be hampered with holding the PSP while you watch that free UMD of Family Guy you got with your Daxter bundle, or Lords of Dogtown if you can even remember those dark times.
This cradle/docking station does more than just hold up your PSP, it also comes with a remote, allowing you to control the Cross Media Bar from a great distance. How great? Well, the screen on the PSP is only 3.5 inches, so really the remote doesn’t even have to work at farther than 4 feet. But honestly, at 4 feet couldn’t you just reach out and use the PSP?
Does anyone even watch movies on their PSP? Everywhere I could possibly think of watching a movie there is either a television or a computer. Both of which have screens far larger than the PSP. Maybe on an airplane? There’s a good idea. Sony should advertise this in the SkyMall. There’s your target market right there: the frequent flyer.
To be honest the only dock and remote I plan on purchasing is Doc and his remote controlled DeLorean once they’re released on high def. Those movies are fantastic. Oooh! Maybe Sony could bundle Back to the Future with the docking station. Call it The Dock + Doc Bundle. Someone get Japan on the wire, this is going to be huge…
[via PSP fanboy]