Sony unleashes new 16GB memory stick

16gb memory stickThe Sony PSP isn’t going away anytime soon. Sony is dedicated to giving its sibling as much life as possible with connectability to the PS3, and its overall capabilities of being a powerful, multi-functional handheld system.

So if you didn’t know, the PSP is capable of many other things besides gaming, including listening to music, viewing videos, etc.

Sony recently announced their 16GB memory stick. It is a Memory Stick Pro Duo and it can go in your PSP. The only downside is that it will retail for $300 upon release, a hefty price for something so small.

But think what you can do with 16GB! You can store hundreds of hundreds of pictures, and hundreds of songs right onto your PSP, making it a more acceptable alternative for a music player. Problem is, a $300 dollar MP3 player can hold more than 16GB, so unless the chip goes down to $200 (which it no doubt will eventually), I don’t believe gamers will flock towards the new chip in droves.

[via engadget]


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