Rumor: sibling rivalry in next God of War?


Edging closer into milking territory, the Collection Edition of the original God of War features an unlockable movie clip that contains a snippet of backstory pertaining to Kratos’ separation from his brother in childhood, who swears revenge against his demi-god twin.

Judging by the nature of the clip, it’s easily apparent that the narrator sets up a savage rivalry between the forsaken twin brother in the underworld of Hades and the more known Kratos, whose exploits are duly noted throughout the GoW games.

Studio Director John Hight has already hinted at the possible appearance of more GoW games set within mythological Greece that do not feature Kratos as the main character, similar to Hideo Kojima’s hesitance to relinquish the Metal Gear Solid franchise at the conclusion of Solid Snake’s tale.

With God of War III on the horizon, Kratos’ brother appears to be the first step in introducing potential protagonist/antagonist characters that pick up where Kratos left off. What do you think? Would it seem likely that we would see the brother of Kratos as a playable character?



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Author: Omri Petitte View all posts by

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