Rockstar has released a patch for the PS3 version of Grand Theft Auto IV to address crash bugs found in the game. That’s the good news. The bad news is that it only fixes the online multiplayer server problems and not the main issues with the game hanging up and freezing during the offline game.
Rockstar said the fix ""prevents Gamespy’s servers from being overloaded and therefore reduces the impact on those servers that were causing the game to stutter and lock up."
That’s great, but the awful issue of not even being able to play the SP game is still alive and well. Rockstar says it is "monitoring" the offline and online portions of the game.
"We continue to monitor the performance of the game both on and offline and will provide further updates as necessary. We want to assure everyone that, together with our hardware partners, we continue to strive to give our fans the best possible interactive entertainment experiences possible. This update will ensure that everyone will experience Grand Theft Auto IV the way it was intended.
"We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused."
Thanks for the apology but some gamers would have liked a working game even better. Call us silly but when we pay $60 for a game, we expect it to work properly the first time we put the disc into our machines. But gee, I guess we’re asking too much.
Rockstar has not released a time schedule on when these further updates will be coming.
[via CVG]