Realtime Worlds details APB release, pricing, etc., hints at console port


Realtime Worlds has announced a release date, pricing structure, and other details about its upcoming cops-n-robbers MMO, All Points Bulletin. In the FAQ section of the game’s website, it is revealed to be coming to PCs on June 29 in North America and July 2nd in Europe for the retail price of $/€49.99.

What is most interesting and appealing, though, is the ensuing pay-as-you-go pricing structure. The initial purchase allows players unlimited time to spend in the game’s social districts, chatting it up with fellow enforcers/criminals, customizing their characters, and trading on the marketplace, as well as 50 hours of "action gameplay," which will include actual mission-based gaming and free-roaming the city. Players will also get a bonus 100 RTW points, convertible to extra game time or in-game cash.

After the first 50 hours, players will top up, much like a prepaid cellular plan, starting at $6.99 for an additional 20 hours. There will also be unlimited packages, such as the 30-day option for $9.99. Discounted rates will apply to purchases of 90 or 180 days, says the website. This model allows players to ensure they are not wasting their money on unused game time, and unlike other MMO cost structures, won’t compel them to play as much as possible, but instead enjoy the game at their own pace. Frequent players can still get the most out of their money with the more traditional extended-play options. This is a very smart and thoughtful move by Realtime Worlds.

In addition to pricing and release information, the minimum system requirements to play APB have been revealed, and are as follows:

Core 2 Duo 2Ghz or equivalent
2GB RAM (3GB for Vista64 / Windows 7 64)
nVidia GeForce 7800 – 256MB or equivalent
20GB Hard disk space 

The game will not be coming to Linux or Mac, but Realtime Worlds is "evaluating opportunities for a console port of APB." Still, the FAQ remains quiet on that front, saying, "…there’s nothing concrete to announce at the moment."

[APB Official Website]


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Author: Eddie Inzauto View all posts by
Eddie has been writing about games on the interwebz for over ten years. You can find him Editor-in-Chiefing around these parts, or talking nonsense on Twitter @eddieinzauto.

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