Take away the Internet and you get some pretty angry gamers. UbiSoft released Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 yesterday for the Xbox 360 and the PS3 with much anticipation behind it. Rather than releasing two working games, UbiSoft decided to release only one, a corporate strategy that I would be hesitant to be part of.
Trying to play the PS3 version online is giving people more trouble than it’s worth. With gamers on Ubi’s official forums reporting frequent "unable to establish a connection to this game" messages, loads of lag and some claim, even a leader board hacker.
Most people are quick to blame UbiSoft for the problems with the game, but has anyone thought it might be the PlayStation Network? I’m always weary about free services because there is no guarentee behind them.
You have nothing invested so it goes back to that ‘you get what you pay for’ thing I talked about before. So if one person is using it or 1million people are using it Sony doesn’t make any more money, unlike Xbox Live. The more people connecting, the more money Microsoft makes and the more they can upgrade all their service.
It’s possible that Sony’s online service is struggling to keep up with the influx of PS3s sold. The reason why I am ok with spending money on Live is because I know I will get a reliable service. Even if a game is terrible, I can always get into a match and lag usually isn’t an issue.
Since, thus far, there have been no complaints about the 360 version of Rainbow Six, I don’t think all the blame can be put on UbiSoft. My guess is the combination of Sony’s online service and the difficulty to code the PS3 was just too much.
Unfortunately, UbiSoft is the one taking the heat so it’s really up to them to rectify the situation–whether that means having their own dedicated servers or releasing a patch that makes the whole thing work better.
[via geekpulp]