For those of you that heard a few peeps during E3 about the PSP Lite; you were probably really excited, then you didn’t really see any improvements and then you were really disappointed and kicked the cat.
Please! Leave the cat alone, the PSP has more under the hood than you may have guessed.
PSP Lite Improvements:
- Lighter/Thinner: Like most people the PSP wanted to reduce its bulk and it has by a small margin, not enough to write home about, but nice nonetheless.
- RAM Doubled: The PSP now has 64MB of RAM making it all-around faster.
- Battery Magic: With advances in battery technology the size and capacity of the battery has been reduced (to fit the smaller form factor) but the run-time is the same.
- UMD Speed: The UMD drive is faster and now buffers more to the PSP’s internal memory, reducing some of the horrific load-times we’ve endured.
- Video Out: The PSP Lite supports video out, which is a cool feature, especially for those of us that have UMD movies laying around collecting dust.
Downsides? Yes everything has a downside and the few gripes about the new system are as follows:
- Remotes Revoked: Original PSP remotes will not work with the new system… d’oh!
- No AV Cable: The neato AV cable for TV-Out will NOT be included.
And as a final note, the volume buttons are still designed to be used by tiny magical elves as they are still so tiny that they’re effectively un-usable for our giant handed friends at Gamernode, but I digress.
All in all, I’d say this is a positive step for the PSP platform, that finally addresses some of the complaints we’ve had all along. However it’s not dramatic, so unless you’re a hardcore PSP player, rich, or don’t already have a PSP, you can probably let this slide right by. Still, a nice upgrade.