Recently a Naughty Dog developer went and did something, well, naughty in accidentally confirming cross game voice chat for the PlayStation 3 on the official PlayStation 3 message boards. The developer’s fitting user name, ReklissAbandon, has since edited the post to "deleted," but that didn’t stop both word of the update and the quote itself from getting out into the internet.
"I think they wanted people to have fun and enjoy the show since all dead players can talk to each other no matter what team you are on," posted the developer on why it is possible to spectate an opponent when information on the opponents can be given out over Skype. "But I will suggest it anyway."
ReklissAbandon then dropped the unintended bombshell. "Not to mention that the next PS3 firmware update is going to allow cross-game chat," wrote the developer. "So if players use that instead of in-game communication then they would also be able to communicate enemies’ positions…"
Along with the help of the internet, other members’ posts are still in tact on the topic showing their immediate recognition of the revealed information.
1UP suggests the next firmware update to be expected by the end of the year.