Team Fortress 2 is one of the best multiplayer games I’ve ever played. The team at Valve has done a fantastic job of balancing the classes, weapons and maps. They did everything in their power to ensure their multiplayer game was as good as it possibly could be, except include a party system… but that’s a discussion for another feature.
My biggest problem with Team Fortress 2 is on the users’ end. Every time I play that game it is players that get me frustrated. And there is a quick fix to get me unfrustrated.
Pro Tip: Use a microphone
I’ve only played the 360 version so I’m not sure if this is an issue on the PC at all. But no one talks during TF2. This is probably more important than in any other multiplayer game because it is all objective based. How are you supposed to know how the blue team is progressing if you aren’t taking to one another?
The few times that I’ve been able to lure a friend of mine into a game we were able to decimate the other team. We were the only two talking and I kind of felt like it was an unfair advantage. Just imagine if the other three people on our team had headsets. We could have considered going pro.
I honestly don’t know how anyone with Xbox Live didn’t spend the 20 dollars to purchase a headset. I have three of them myself, well four if you count the one I broke in the name of science.
I’m keeping it short this week. All I’m saying is if you play Team Fortress 2, talk to your team. Objective-based gameplay is really hard when everyone is doing their own thing.
[Creighton DeSimone]