Been waiting to play Team Fortress 2 for ten years like me? Wait no more! All you have to do is pre-order the Orange Box for PC and you can be part of the ongoing Beta.
If you don’t already know, the Orange Box is Valve’s all-in-one Half-Life package that bundles 5 titles together including: Half-Life 2, Half Life 2: Episode One, Half-Life 2: Episode Two, Team Fortress 2, and the new and innovative first person puzzle game, Portal.
And if you order off of Gamestop, you can get $5 off the regular $49.99 price. And although, you’ll get the $5 discount across all the platforms, remember the Beta is a PC exclusive.
It’s cheaper, you get the Beta and Team Fortress was originally meant to be played on the PC. Those are three big reasons to get it on the PC right now.
So get a click’n and I’ll see you on Steam.