It’s obvious that most of us don’t need much coaxing in pre-ordering Grand Theft Auto IV. But what some of us may need convincing on is purchasing the Special Edition of GTA IV.
For those who don’t know, the GTA IV Special Edition includes the game, an art book, selected musical pieces from the soundtrack of the game, a Rockstar key chain (cool), and a duffel bag. How much will all this extra swag cost you? Try on $89.99 for size.
Too much you say? is sweetening to deal by offering a genuine Liberty City license plate for everyone who pre-orders GTA IV. I have to admit that this extra goodie thrown into the deal has gotten me to think about the Special Edition a little more seriously.
As usual the supplies are available while they last.
After the original price of the Legendary Edition of Halo 3 for $130, have we all succumbed to sticker shock for special editions yet?