PC Assassin's Creed and Mercs 2 delayed till 2008

acmovieContinuing the slew of delayed games news, Ubisoft announced a delay to the PC version of Assassin’s Creed. Originally planned for release this fall alongside its PS3 and Xbox 360 counterparts, the PC version will now be released in early 2008. While no reasons were given for the delay, this is surely a bummer for PC fans (including me).

In related news, IGN has an interview with Josh Resnick, president and co-founder of Pandemic Studios, and he confirms that Mercenaries 2: World in Flames has been delayed till early 2008 as well. Resnick divulges some information on why the game was delayed.

"The easy answer is that we wanted to time it more closely to the movie. But then we realized that we don’t have a movie, so we just said, "Aww hell, let’s just make the game better."

It’s really that simple — we don’t want to slop out a game just to meet a deadline. Some companies rush products out to meet that big holiday deadline for the massive gift-giving season, and we would rather make sure that every corner of our vast, open-world, highly explosive gameplay is completely polished. We owe that to Mercenaries fans."

Assassin’s Creed is heading to Xbox 360 and PS3 this fall and for PC in early 2008, while Mercenaries 2 is heading to PC, Xbox 360, PS2 and PS3 in early 2008.


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