PAX East exhibitors and musical guests announced

This shockingly huge east coast exhibition will be getting some huge exhibitors.

With reports now releasing that PAX East will most certainly be the largest Penny-Arcade Expo to date, the upcoming weekend game extravaganza has finally released its list of exhibitors and musical performers. Just like its attendance, which is already at 60,000 and counting with remaining passes going fast, the list of exhibitors is huge.

Big names announced so far are EA, Ubisoft, Microsoft, Nintendo, Harmonix, Turbine, and more. Musical performers will include Jonathan Coultron and MC Frontalot. The show has less than 1,000 three-day passes left and the expo has warned guests that they will definitely sell out before doors open March 26.

Below is the full list of "announced" exhibitors and musical performers. Not yet the "complete" list.

Musical Acts:

* Anamanaguchi
* Jonathan Coulton
* MC Frontalot
* Metroid Metal
* Paul and Storm
* Protomen
* The Video Game Orchestra


* 2K Games
* Dell
* EA
* Harmonix
* Microsoft
* Nintendo
* Rockstar Games
* Sega
* Ska Studios
* The Behemoth
* Turbine
* Twisted Pixel Games
* Ubisoft
* Wizards of the Coast

PAX East will take place in Boston, MA from March 26-28 (and GamerNode will be there).



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Author: Mike Murphy View all posts by
Mike has been playing games for over two decades. His earliest memories are of shooting ducks and stomping goombas on NES, and over the years, the hobby became one of his biggest passions. Mike has worked with GamerNode as a writer and editor since 2009, giving you news, reviews, previews, a voice on the VS Node Podcast, and much more.

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