OWR: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater

One Word ReviewBefore getting down to business, GamerNode would first like to thank everyone for participating in the first edition of OWR last week, and we hope you are ready for more unique and fun content of a similar nature in the future. We love to see reader discussion, and aim to bring the community together, rather than just throwing words at you.

This week, many of us at GamerNode have been thinking about the industry’s tendency toward sequels, and what it means to gamers when a series is substantially improved upon with each new iteration. One series that always comes to mind when the word "sequel" comes up in conversation is the Tony Hawk series. For better or for worse, these games just keep on coming, so we figured we’d go back to the beginning and tell you how we feel about the original Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater.

Brendon’s OWR: "Mediocrispawner"

Eddie’s OWR: "Dexteroustunty"

Jesse’s OWR: "Uberparadigm"

Kyle’s OWR: "Overconfident"

Billy’s OWR: "Superman"

Demetri’s OWR: "Pointwhorish"

Tim’s OWR: "Freedom"


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Author: GamerNode Staff View all posts by

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