An early hit on the Xbox 360, Dead Rising featured more zombies than had ever been seen in a videogame before, along with plenty of ways to massacre them. If you’ve been listening to the VS Node Podcast, you may have heard that Eddie has been raring to get back into the game, and with the recent release of I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MBIES 1N IT!!!1 on Xbox LIVE Arcade, there couldn’t be a more fitting choice. It’s been called "brilliant," "hilarious," "boring," and a "toybox." What does GN call it?
Eddie’s OWR: Romeroclonal
Brendon’s OWR: Amusing
Jason’s OWR: Zomberiffic
Creighton’s OWR: Undeadstruction
*Extra Special Guest Contribution*
Frank West: Ivecoveredwarsyouknow