Ninja Theory’s Heavenly Sword has been compared to the critically acclaimed God of War series on countless occasions. The truth of the matter is that the development team did borrow much of Kratos’ style to create the Playstation 3 action title. The combat, control scheme, and even the main character’s weapons are reminiscent of the Greek classic, and Ninja Theory admits it.
Rather than crediting Jaffe and company with mere words, however, Ninja Theory has done one better and paid homage within their game itself. In a certain castle courtyard, Kai runs across a pair of familiar blades and suit of armor hanging on an iron gate. I guess Kratos is taking a sh*t or a shower somewhere nearby, because it just so happens to be his armor and the Blades of Chaos.
It’s really nice to see developers crediting the works that have inspired them, especially like this. Ninja Theory is a class act in my book.