Scans of the newest issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly reveal a somewhat interesting, yet extremely questionable exclusive preview. The story introduces "Lego Halo", a brand new installment in both the Lego, and Halo series.
While this momentarily piqued my interest, on closer inspection, this story is probably one big farce. The first red flag is that the story appears in EGM’s April issue, so even though it’s barely even March yet, this would be the issue in which EGM’s trend setting April Fools’ joke will appear.
"Finished, shall you say?" the preview begins. "Or is it? Of course not! Master Chief might be good at saving the universe, but he’s better at something else: making mountains of money. That’s why developer Bungie is looking to construct some more cash with their newest project: Lego Halo."
When the opening paragraph is nothing less than a justification for why you should believe the game exists, you’d be a fool not to think something might be up.
However, since I don’t want anyone out there thinking I’m some kind of wonder sleuth, I wish to point out that I first saw this scan on Kotaku under the headline "Halo Lego Game: ThinkNot!"
I am curious as to how these screenshots. If they’re fake, they are really well done. I’m not a wiz with photoshop though, so I don’t know the secrets. Maybe someone else can explain it.
[via Kotaku]