New colleagues shower praise on Phil Harrison

Phil HarrisonNow that you’ve read the news about Phil Harrison doning his metaphorical suit of armor and weilding his mighty baldness like a true hero attempting to rescue the aging Atari from a less-than-pleasant fate (you HAVE read about that, right?), it’s time to see how the company is responding to the move.

David Nadal, head of Alone in the Dark developer Eden Studios, had plenty of kind words to say about Mr. Harrison upon his arrival to Atari’s NY headquarters. Speaking with Eurogamer, he commented:

"I don’t know Phil very well, but what I know about his job and what he’s done in the past, he has very strong feelings about games and where the industry should go. I think he had the casual turn before everybody [else]. I was one of the first to be amazed by EyeToy and then SingStar and Buzz. This vision will help us a lot."

"We’re really excited and very happy he’s coming on board," said Alone In The Dark producer Nour Polloni.

"It’s really great he’s finally here. This is looking like being a great year for Atari," added an unnamed employee.

All hail Phil? Or is he just setting himself up for a gigantic failure?


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Author: Eddie Inzauto View all posts by
Eddie has been writing about games on the interwebz for over ten years. You can find him Editor-in-Chiefing around these parts, or talking nonsense on Twitter @eddieinzauto.

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