Multiplayer mode details on GTA4. There are 15!

gta4According to the latest PSM Magazine edition from Spain, it is reporting that there will be a huge number of multiplayer modes– how does 15 sound?

The name of the game modes will be:

*Hangman’s Noose
*Car Jack City
*Bomb da Base
*Bomb da Base II
*Mafia Work
*Team Mafia Work
*Death Match
*Team Death Match
*Turf War
*Cops N Crooks
*GTA Race
*Deal Breaker
*Free Roam

Details are a little scarce but there is some info on a few of the game modes. In Cop’s and Crooks players will take sides as either cops or the bad guys. The game plays sort of like hide and seek as the bad guys try to escape while the cops try to gun them down before they slip away. Fun.

Hangman’s Noose is a co-op game where your friends try to protect a Mafia luminary while a SWAT team is trying to un-illuminate you and your friends. Ouch.

The race games offer some fun mayhem and destruction as the "host" of these modes sets up the game the way he/she wants the game to be played. Parameters such as the number of pedestrians, the number of police, what type of weapons are used, and the flow of traffic sounds like a perfect example of drive-by shootings and destruction derby all rolled into one. Nice.

Grand Theft Auto 4 has already been reported to have over 100 hours in single player mode. When you consider that there will be 15 multiplayer modes as well, GTA4 may have one of the best replay values that we’ve seen for a long time in a game.

I can hardly wait.

[ NG4 via]


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