MS to reveal Natal lineup at E3


A recent announcement from Mindy Mount, Microsoft’s Chief Financial Officer of its Entertainment & Devices Division, reveals that Microsoft is preparing to reveal their full lineup of software for the Natal release later this year.  Here’s what she had to say:

"We have very strong first and third-party developer support for [Natal]. Needless to say, we’re putting some of our best people on coming up with great game ideas for this, and we’re going to have some great stuff."

"As a history, Microsoft works very strong with third-party developers, so we’re hoping that we’re going to get some great titles from that. You’ll be able to see more news about that this summer at E3. We’ll show you the full lineup."  

According to IGN, the list of publishers has grown to encompass 70% of all publishers worldwide.  The future of the Natal looks bright given this news, but we’ll have to wait until E3 to find out for sure.



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Author: Dan Crabtree View all posts by
Dan is Managing Editor for GamerNode and a freelance gaming writer. His dog is pretty great. Check him out on Twitter @DanRCrabtree.

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