So how about that new Ghostbusters game? A few more details about the game were revealed today, including a few screenshots and studio developers.
First, the mystery developer(s) and publisher behind the new Ghostbusters game are Terminal Reality, Red Fly Studio and Vivendi Universal Games respectively. Vivendi struck up a deal with Sony Pictures and the game is currently planned for release in fall 2008.
One very interesting aspect for the game is that Vivendi is actually planning two iterations of the Ghostbusters game, one that’ll cater to the "core gamer demographic" while the other will be "designed more for families and casual gamers".
Also gamers will be limited to which game to play because the regular Ghostbusters game will only be released for Xbox 360, PC and PS3 while the casual game will be released for PS2, Wii and DS.
In addition, original actors Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, and Ernie Hudson are all returning to voice their characters. As for the plot, the game will take place in New York City during the early 1990s after the events of Ghostbusters II.
Lastly, here are some screenshots from the game. You can judge for yourself on how epic it’s going to be.
[Via Variety]