Microsoft does what Nintendon't

I am errorSuper Smash Bros. Brawl sold approximately a bajillion copies since its release on Sunday. Though the game is selling, well there seems to be two inherent problems. The first was the Wii not being able to read discs. A tragedy for sure.

Many people who have evaded the first problem have been plagued with a second problem, and that problem’s name is Error Code: 85010.

For centuries gamers have wanted to play Super Smash Bros. against opponents all across the world, but due to Nintendo’s late-to-the-party add-on to the GameCube, Melee never made it onto the internets. We had thought the time was finally here with Brawl, but Error Code: 85010 appeared rearing its ugly head.

What is this Error Code: 85010? Well according to Nintendo’s official support site it is "typically caused by temporary network issues with the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection." The site goes on to suggest, "Please retry your connection later."

Retry my connection later? It is obvious that Nintendo is unaware that it is 2008, people have internet all the time, and there are 3 other consoles (2 Xbox’s and a PlayStation) that can connect to the internet as easily as we can breathe.

It is obvious that Nintendo doesn’t take online gaming seriously, while Microsoft puts the online aspect of their console at the forefront. I have used their Wi-Fi Connection all of once. It was to try and play Mario Kart DS with friends. It was one of the worst experiences I’ve ever had.

This whole thing boils down to a little phrase my grandfather says: you get what you pay for. Live has a 50 dollar annual fee. Really not all that much once you consider all the games you can play. Nintendo Wi-Fi. Free. You can’t really complain about something that is free. If it works, then great, you get to use it. When it doesn’t well, then just "try your connection later."

[via Nintendic]


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Author: Creighton DeSimone View all posts by

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