So if you’re like us, most of you will be having quite a relaxing time catching up on video games and perhaps doing more of those late all-nighters during Christmas break. But if you want to put your time to some creative use, how about putting together your own Wii Zapper out of Legos?
Some retail stores are already gouging customers by raising the retail prices for the scarce Zapper so why not strike back at "The Man," by making your own? A forum member over at NeoGAF did just that.
He made the contraption by basing it on another manufacturer’s game accessory. He left an opening at the rear of the gun to put the nunchuck in and presto change-o, you have a "Zapgo" gun.
From the looks of it, there probably could be some more work done on the design aspects of the project. But that’s just us.