For now, that is. If you haven’t heard, Sony issued a worldwide recall of LBP due to one of the music tracks containing lines from the Quran. After several gamers and religious groups (who had likely never heard of the game until they read that it contained those phrases on the Internet) called and emailed Sony asking for a patch to release the song, Sony one-upped them and just asked every store to return their copies so they could issue a re-print. That’s right, Sony recalled a game which was already fully done and ready to sell in stores, and re-printed every damn copy. A pretty nice gesture on their part, all things considered.
The bad news was that they had no idea when we would see LBP. Could have been a week, could have been a month. This weekend, however, Sony has revealed that the game should ship to American retailers again on October 27, while it will ship to PAL retailers "no later than" November 7. Now let’s just hope that this time Sony listened to all their music tracks and the game doesn’t get recalled again.