You ever wonder why your 360 or ps3 sounds like a roaring generator? That’s the sound of its built in cooling fans hard at work trying to prevent the system from overheating. More often then not, after a 12 hour gaming session those fans are going to do jack shit.
What does that mean for you? That means you’re going to have to rest those paws of yours and enter back into reality until your unit cools. So that means you’re to have to get out your crochet needles, and start knitting scarves. Don’t like to knit scarves? Make a beanie.
Some people in this world don’t like sitting around and knitting though, so during this downtime they decided to make sure it never happened again.
The boys over at Dragonpower made a liquid cooled PS3. The advantages? It runs at 32C at a full load, and is almost dead silent. Want one? Well too bad, Dragonpower hasn’t released DIY instruction yet so if you want it you’re going to have to figure it out yourself. But hey, you’re creative, I’m sure you can do it. I believe in you. Just don’t blame me when you soak the insides of your PS3.

via [PS3Mods]