Konami president thinks MGS4 is a system seller

MGS4Konami president Fumiaki Tanaka certainly expects big things from Metal Gear Solid 4. The game is due to arrive on the PlayStation 3 this summer, and Mr. Tanaka is expecting lots of sales, even though the PS3 install base is relatively small compared to the other current-gen consoles.

When asked if he was concerned about this issue, he responded with the assertion that gamers are simply not buying the PS3 because Metal Gear Solid 4 hasn’t been released yet. He takes it one step further, saying that even other publishers aren’t producing games like they will in the post-MGS4 world. How’s that for confidence in your product? He said:

"Now, potential users are going, ‘When that game comes out, I want to get a PS3,’ and they’re waiting for that title to come out. When MGS4 comes out, other companies will put out their big PS3 titles out, and then gradually won’t the install number grow?"

The funny thing about Mr. Tanaka’s statement is that I know a handful of potential PS3 owners (including myself) who have expresed that very sentiment. So could MGS4 be the system-selling "killer app" that the PS3 is waiting for? What do you think?

[via Trendy]


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Author: Eddie Inzauto View all posts by
Eddie has been writing about games on the interwebz for over ten years. You can find him Editor-in-Chiefing around these parts, or talking nonsense on Twitter @eddieinzauto.

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