I just got an email letting me know that "geek folk singer" Jonathan Coulton was signed by Valve to record a "surprise single" for the Orange Box. You may remember Jonathan as the guy who started the Thing a Week feature at his site where he recorded a new song each week. Or you may remember him as the artist of Internet hits such as Code Monkey, RE: Your Brains, and the folk rendition of Baby Got Back. (And in case you cared, my personal favorites are Skullcrusher Mountain, First of May, and Todd the T-1000.)
"I am delighted the Valve design team selected me to help make the surprise single a success," said Jonathan. "If it’s not every geek’s dream to be immortalized in a video game, it was mine."
There’s no word yet on the title of the Orange Box single will be, but I for one can’t wait.