Ico Creator Says 3D Not Necessary For Total Experience


In a recent interview with the Playstation.Blog, Ico, Shadow of the Colossus and The Last Guardian creator Fumito Ueda admitted that the 3D effect option that will be available in the Ico / Shadow of the Colossus HD update, will not be crucial to the experience. It’s not much of a suprise especially considering considering the original games, which were not playable in 3D (last I checked) were totally complete experiences.

Ueda seems to consider the 3D option a way to expand the game, and not necessarily a way to define it. Ueda said, "I’d first like to clarify that 3D is not essential to enjoy these experiences – the HD element in itself brings a lot of life to the games. However, 3D will bring even more." The games could certainly benefit from 3D, considering the massive scale of the worlds in both games, and the sheer size of the beasts in Shadow of the Colossus.


Ueda also briefly touches on a few elements of The Last Guardian, calling the relationship between the boy and the giant bird-like-cat-thing one heavily reliant on teamwork. He also confirms that the bird-like-cat-thing does in fact have a name, and that name is Trico.

Neither The Last Guardian or the Ico and Shadow of the Colossus HD updates have officlal release dates yet, other than sometime next year. Ueda has been vocal about next year being simply a goal for The Last Guardian, so it’s likely (but entirely unconfirmed) that it could slip into 2012.



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Author: Kyle Hilliard View all posts by

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