Housing market sucks? But 'Home' is looking good

HOMEWe all know the real estate market is shot to crap and there’s nothing we can really do about it but sit around and wait. Sony’s new community however, may be an ample place to fantasize about a good housing market. 

According to a poll taken by Myhomexperience.com, 158 people (the entire PlayStation 3 population, (nah, just kidding…it’s probably double that amount) 36% of the people said the first thing they’ll do in Home is buy… a new…home.

The respondents said they would happily fork over extra cash to get a larger apartment for themselves.

That way they can throw sweet online parties in their awesome virtual pad, while they sit in their dingy, real life apartment…alone. Well at least this way the resounding 27% in the survey who said they would refuse to buy anything from Home, can just come over and mooch off of you.


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